A better kind of law firm

Virginia Lawyers who Stop Foreclosures
Fortress is experienced at handling foreclosure law and prevention matters. Fortress will advise you on whatever options that may be available to you, including loan modification, foreclosure prevention litigation, and bankruptcy. At Fortress, we are committed to helping you keep your home through a number of proven legal strategies. When it comes to foreclosure, you can’t afford to wait and hope for the best.
Foreclosure Law Process in Virginia
Once the lender has given you notice of their intent to foreclose, the countdown to losing your home has begun. If you procrastinate or pursue an ineffective course of action, you will probably lose your home. Fortress lawyers negotiate on your behalf or take mortgage lenders to court to protect your home. If your home is in jeopardy of foreclosure and you want to keep from losing it, then Fortress is ready to stand with you and provide counsel on your legal options.
We know that you are probably worried about how to pay us. Foreclosure law is a labor of love. We want to help everyone that needs help. Not everyone becomes a lawyer for the money. Some people become lawyers to help other people. Yes, we will need to get paid, but let's discuss it. Call us.

Stop Residential Foreclosure in Virginia
At Fortress Proprietas, our lawyers are experienced at handling foreclosure prevention matters. Fortress will advise you on whatever options that may be available to you, including loan modification, foreclosure prevention litigation, and bankruptcy. Our attorneys personally commit themselves to help you keep your home through a number of proven legal strategies. When it comes to foreclosure, you can’t afford to wait and hope for the best. Once the lender has given you notice of their intent to foreclose, the countdown to losing your home has begun. If you procrastinate or pursue an ineffective course of action, you will probably lose your home.
Fortress lawyers negotiate on your behalf or take mortgage lenders to court to protect your home. If your home is in jeopardy of foreclosure and you want to keep from losing it, then Fortress is ready to stand with you and provide counsel on your legal options.
Commercial Foreclosure Prevention Attorneys
At Fortress Proprietas, our lawyers are experienced at handling commercial foreclosure prevention matters. Fortress will advise you on whatever options that may be available to you, including loan modification, foreclosure prevention litigation and bankruptcy.
You may be in danger of losing your commercial property to foreclosure. The key to this or any foreclosure situation is to act before valuable options are lost.
By hiring Fortress you will be counseled on effective strategies tailored to help you save your property. It’s important to understand that your lender may continue toward foreclosure on your property even as you attempt to obtain a loan modification. That’s where Fortress may be able to help you delay foreclosure long enough to find a solution with the lender to save your property.

Loan Modification Lawyers in Virginia
Throughout Virginia, Fortress Proprietas is experienced in counseling and representing clients concerning mortgage loan modifications. Far too often, a homeowner will try to obtain a loan modification without the advice or representation of legal counsel. In many instances, this approach results in the lender rejecting the loan modification application and selling the home at a foreclosure auction.
While no one can predict the decisions a lender may make in every case, Fortress has prepared and submitted loan modification applications to virtually every major lender. We understand, however, that all lenders are different. So, Fortress tailors client applications to match the process parameters unique to each lender. Utilizing this valuable experience, Fortress has represented clients with a great degree of success.
Our firm also monitors the lender’s conduct while you are applying for a loan modification to discover any actions that may have violated pertinent governmental regulations or contractual obligations contained in your mortgage.
Fortress also examines your mortgage documents for predatory lending practices, as well as mistakes in the drafting and execution of your mortgage. If such conduct or mistakes are found, there may be viable legal options available to delay or even permanently defeat the lender’s efforts to take your home.
Combining these proven strategies may help to bring additional legal pressure on your lender to grant you a favorable loan modification. Moreover, if a loan modification is granted, Fortress will counsel you on how to properly execute the modification in an effort to prevent future problems that could lead to yet another foreclosure action.
That’s why an experienced attorney can be of tremendous value because it’s important for you to learn what rights you have and then work to protect them before it becomes too late.
Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure
Many homeowners with mounting mortgage problems may simply want to voluntarily hand their home over to their lender in lieu of foreclosure. While it doesn’t protect your credit ratings, it’s much less damaging than having a foreclosure reported. This is particularly beneficial if you need to rent an apartment after you move from the home or need to obtain another mortgage in the future. This option also protects the homeowner from deficiency judgments.
While lenders also like this strategy because it spares them the time and expense of having to take your home through the traditional foreclosure process, they often reject this option if there are other liens on your home or if they have already undertaken the time and expense of foreclosing on your home and the foreclosure auction scheduled for your home is close at hand.
That’s why Fortress is here to counsel you on the benefits and costs associated with a deed in lieu of foreclosure and to help you identify other possible options including loan modification, foreclosure prevention litigation, and bankruptcy. Almost any option is better than losing your home through foreclosure and suffering credit report damage for years to come.

Short Sale Attorneys
Many homeowners who are unable to make mortgage payments consider a short sale of their home as a possible option. A short sale occurs when a homeowner is allowed to sell their home for less than the amount they owe to the lender.
At Fortress, we help homeowners with a wide range of foreclosure prevention strategies, including short sales. Our skilled attorneys can handle all of the negotiations and legal details to help you with your mortgage problems.
While a short sale may help to walk away from your mortgage problems, with a short sale you could also be walking into a tax consequence. That’s because the difference between the balance of your mortgage and the sale price of your home is essentially forgiven by the lender which is typically interpreted as income by the IRS.
That’s why at Fortress, we are here to counsel you on the benefits and costs associated with short sales and to help you identify other possible options including loan modification, foreclosure prevention litigation, and bankruptcy. Almost any option is better than losing your home through foreclosure and suffering credit report damage for years to come.